DEM simulations of granular materials
Tutor/a - Director/a
Yoshida, Kazuya
Villamayor Abelló, Oriol
Tipus de document
Projecte Final de Màster Oficial
Accés restringit per decisió de l'autor
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Industrial and engineering applications, DEM simulations are commonly used. Therefore, there are a lot of different softwares for this application and each one is specializing in different aspects. With nowadays available computational power, simulations of real live experiments can provide very useful and accurate information that in the past wasn't imagined. Granular materials form an important role on the industrial field. These materials have different properties but one of them is the angle of repose, also known as critical angle of repose. This angle is the steepest angle of descent a material can be piled without dropping and depends on different characteristics of the material. This angle has several applications, one of them is for calibrating numerical simulations. The goal of this research paper is to help future students that want to study granular materials and do simulations of them. A good aspect to stand out is that the software used in this research is open source so everyone can get access to it
Entitat col·laboradora
Tōhoku Daigaku

Professorat participant
- Yoshida, Kazuya