Design & Operation Optimization of Green H2 Production for Industrial Use under EU regulation


Tutor/a - Director/a


Rafie, Wadah

Tipus de document

Projecte Final de Màster Oficial




Accés restringit per decisió de l'autorRestricted access - author's decision


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


While the energy supply sector has made strides in emission reductions, the industrial sector faces unique challenges, particularly in its reliance on high-temperature heat from fossil fuels. In this research, the ceramics industry, a significant contributor to CO2 emissions, is explored as a case study. We introduce a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model to assess the potential of electrolytic green hydrogen production as a sustainable alternative to natural gas in ceramic manufacturing. This study extends previous techno-economic assessments, by optimizing the costs of the VRE plant, electrolyzer, compressor, and hydrogen storage, while considering dynamic operations, the variability of VRE supply, and the sale of electricity on the wholesale day-ahead market. The model accounts for economies of scale in certain process units and incorporates technical constraints related to operating the kiln burners with an natural gas and hydrogen blend. The model is assessed through a case study on a Portuguese ceramics manufacturer, Grestel, and the ceramics manufacturing cluster to which it belongs. We evaluate the potential of the burner and kiln to operate with a dynamic hydrogen/natural gas blend share as a flexibility measure to reduce the reliance and coupling with the VRE. Our findings highlight the feasibility and cost-competitiveness of hydrogen technology in the ceramics industry, especially when the industrial installation can be operated flexibly.

Entitat col·laboradora

École Polytechnique Paris

Professorat participant
