Implementación del circo de las imágenes y otras contribuciones al 'Tello Engineering Ecosystem'


Tutor/a - Director/a


Iturralde Aguiló, Anna

Tipus de document

Treball Final de Grau




Accés obertOpen Access


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


In a world where technology continues to advance and transform diverse sectors, the presence of drones has become essential for optimizing and revolutionizing the industry. Their characteristics make them valuable and indispensable for industrial development. Following an initiative by the Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering (EETAC), the creation of a drone ecosystem allows students and teachers to contribute to its development, aiming to project a positive image of this technology in society. Both educational and recreational applications seek to organize exhibitions and demonstrations to a diverse audience. The project focuses on the development of software to control the DJI Tello Robomaster drone, with the goal of enhancing and expanding its capabilities. This approach aligns with the school's mission to promote innovation and the integration of emerging technologies in the educational field. Thus, the idea of this project was born, divided into two sections: the theoretical part and the practical part. In the theoretical part, all the fundamental concepts are detailed to understand which code will be used, the technologies employed, and the objectives, among other elemental aspects. In the practical part, all the implementations made and achieved objectives are highlighted, with the perspective of facilitating future contributions of students. Mainly, the focus will be on working on three different types of images: photos, panoramics and videos, in the implementation of a new circus.

Professorat participant
