Design and development of a vehicular digital twin for solving pollution episodes


Tutor/a - Director/a

Llagostera Brugarola, Eudald


Victorio Vergel, Carla

Tipus de document

Treball Final de Grau




Accés restringit per acord de confidencialitatRestricted access - confidentiality agreement


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


This Bachelor's thesis develops a vehicular pollution Digital Twin within the 6GTWINROAD-SP4 initiative at i2CAT, focusing on the interurban use case for the C-32 highway. The system aims to mitigate pollution episodes by simulating different strategies and selecting the most effective one. The pollution Digital Twin is based on i2CAT's congestion use case Digital Twin and integrates COPERT, an emissions estimation software, for pollution calculation. Traffic simulations are performed in Aimsun Next, modifying speed limits (120-50 km/h) in specific sections to analyze their impact on pollution. A decision module evaluates these strategies, selecting the one that minimizes emissions while maintaining traffic efficiency. Results indicate that reducing speed limits to 70 and 80 km/h effectively lowers pollution in the scenarios tested in this thesis. This approach has also been applied to the final implementation of 6GTWINROAD-SP4's Digital Twin, a system that detects congestion and pollution incidents on the C-32 highway and provides real-time recommendations to the AWAI application users. A validation phase, testing 100 incident warnings for congestion and pollution, confirmed the system's effectiveness. On average, emissions of the monitored pollutants were reduced by 4.31% (CO), 1.53% (NOx), and 2.19% (PM2.5). Additionally, a comparison between COPERT and PHEMlight was conducted. While COPERT, based on average speed, underestimates emissions in traffic disruptions, PHEMlight, using vehicle trajectories, captures stop-and-go conditions, leading to more accurate pollution estimates. This highlights PHEMlight's suitability for real-time applications, especially for future implementations of the 6GTWINROAD-SP4's Digital Twin.

Entitat col·laboradora

I2CAT Foundation

Professorat participant
