Sistema portàtil per control d'entorns i monitorització de l'estat de salut de persones amb paràlisis cerebral amb vols de llarga durada


Tutor/a - Director/a


Chalé Castell, Paula

Tipo de documento

Trabajo final de grado




Acceso abiertoOpen Access


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


With the support and subsequent validation of organizations such as ASPACE, the project focuses on improving the flight experience for people with cerebral palsy and other disabilities by developing two key aspects: an advanced health monitoring system and a new wheelchair restraint system for aircraft, specially adapted for the Airbus A320, the most widely used aircraft at Barcelona airport. The first part of the project consists of an application that overcomes the limitations of existing devices in terms of number of channels, cost and signal quality. This application allows the measurement and synchronization of physiological signals, such as ECG, EMG, respiration, temperature and skin conductivity, using advanced algorithms. The application is flexible and capable of handling signals of different sampling rates, reducing noise and facilitating the export of data for detailed analysis. Although still in beta, it has proven to be accurate and reliable, with an intuitive interface that allows it to be used in a variety of conditions. The second part of the project addresses the securing of wheelchairs in aircraft. A robust system has been designed that includes a hinged cylinder fitted to a rotating clamp with a locking mechanism based on a rotating shaft and a spring. This system ensures the stability of the chair during flight and allows a quick release by means of a release mechanism similar to bicycle brakes, both in normal situations and in emergencies. Two options for integrating the system into the aircraft have been evaluated: modifying the first row of seats or eliminating the first-row seats completely for a more robust restraint. In addition, further possible solutions have been proposed, as well as additional components that can serve to provide the safety required by the aeronautical sector. Both frameworks in this project emphasize the importance of promoting developments that benefit the widest possible audience. Additionally, a combined solution is developed and integrated during the course of the work.

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