Middleware for heterogeneous multi-robot system
Tutor/a - Director/a
Guzman Silva, Héctor
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Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
This work develops the proposal to implement a system able to search for missing persons in a mountainous environment using a multi-robotic system (MRS) structure formed by a set of drones, whose control is centralised in an entity called middleware, which will manage all decision-making and information processing. Its main objective is to take advantage of the latest technologies in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), communications and artificial intelligence (AI), and apply them to search and rescue (SAR) operations in high mountain environments. With these advances, the system aims to reduce deployment time and improve detection capabilities, which will increase the chances of survival of the missing person. On the other hand, is pretended to reduce the footprint of the current search procedures, opting for a more environmentally friendly approach. To meet this objective, a detailed study of the procedures, technologies and infrastructures involved in the proposed solution has been carried out. A functional architecture has been provided to coordinate multiple UAVs under a centralised control scheme assumed by the middleware. Throughout the development, aspects involved in the solution have been addressed in detail, such as: approach of the aerial platforms used together with their characterisation and requirements. Approach of the system in charge of processing the images in real time, specifying the model of the intelligence model and the compatible hardware. On the other hand, systems such as the middleware and the ground station have been detailed, including functions, architecture and components. Finally, a detailed theoretical analysis of the radio link between the squadron and the ground station has been carried out. Technical aspects such as the link budget, the modulation used as well as the expected transmission rate have been considered. Our result is a theoretical basis that can be used to implement the proposed system. On the other hand, it contains considerations on the feasibility of the solution and the compatibility with the proposed environment at first. It also mentions the most relevant challenges that will have to be faced before this idea can be realised, as well as proposals for improvements that will increase the value of the solution. Finally, has been carried out an analysis to assess the sustainability of the project, which can be very useful to ensure that the idea is implemented in the most sustainable and environmentally responsible way.