Moneda virtual per a incentivació local
Tutor/a - Director/a
Perello Rossello, Guillem
Tipus de document
Treball Final de Grau
Accés obert
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Nowadays, sustainable and cultural activities are very important elements for the society. In this work we have focused on analyzing and trying to improve these aspects within a small village of Mallorca (Llubi). One of the facts that has encourage us to make this project is the problem that exists in these small localities regarding these issues. Therefore, the aims of this project will be linked to these two aspects. First of all, the main goal it will be to encourage recycling and stimulate sustainable activities. Secondly, we will also focus on promoting cultural activities and helping the maintenance of the village. The main advantage of all is increasing the population’s participation and improve the social life for them. To do this, we will design and implement a local currency (in-Coin), through a mobile app, so it will be an electronic currency and it will not exist physically. The operation is through a mobile application because of the continued growth of the use and importance of mobile apps in our lives. Not to mention the fact that In-Coins which people can accumulate recycling, developing cultural activities and other social functions, it will be used to spend on car parks, ticket cinema and another payment services. Furthermore, it is important not to forget that in-Coins aren’t trying to replace the legal currency, they are a complement. A main point that we have observed in the project, is that it is not static, which means that the project can be modified, expanded and improved during its implementation. In conclusion, we aren’t able to say if the objectives have been achieved properly, because we need to have to expect a time after the implementation of the coin to know the results of the work. But, we can say that the introduction of this project to this small village would be a great achievement to make it more sustainable.