Mejoras del módulo de competiciones en Classpip


Tutor/a - Director/a


Arévalo Covas, Alejandro

Tipus de document

Treball Final de Grau




Accés obertOpen Access


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


The project described below is based on the creation of a new functionality in the Classpip tool. This tool is an application designed for educational environments. This project will be a continuation of the improvement of this application since it was created a few years ago and each semester different students make new updates and implement new functions. In order to be able for the students to make different versions of the project in parallel and then put them together without any error, the Git tool is used. One of the keywords in this project is gamification, which is a learning technique that introduces the idea of games to the educational field in order to facilitate and improve this learning. Classpip currently consists of five projects: the first is an API developed with Loopback, a server which allows us to be informed in real time thanks to technology of, a web application called Dashboard that is developed with the programming language Angular, and two mobile applications: Mobile-Teacher and Mobile-Student, both developed with Ionic. The aim of this particular project is to introduce a new type of competition, the tournament type. This type of competition will be introduced both in the Dashboard and in the Mobile-Student projects, and it will be a new mode to choose together with the League type and Formula One type, previously created by other students in other projects. In the Dashboard section, the functions that have been introduced allow us to create and edit the type of tournament game with its own rules. The implementations in the Mobile-Student are simpler,you will be able to obtain information about the game in which the student is participating. In this report you can find a small introduction to the gamification with some examples, an explanation of the Classpip project started years ago and finally a detailed explanation of competitive games and specifically the tournament type that is the one that is developed during this project.

Professorat participant
