The Development of Renewable Energy Communities in the Italian context: a methodology for the engagement of the end-users
Tutor/a - Director/a
Cenzato Cenzato, Marta
Tipus de document
Projecte Final de Màster Oficial
Accés obert
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
To date, the development and diffusion of Renewable Energy Community (RECs) in the Italian territory
is limited by two main factors; one is the absence of definitive and clear national regulations and, the
second is the difficulty in engaging the RECs end-users. While the first problem will be soon solved with
the transposition of the Italian Legislative Decree No. 199, the second still needs a solution. Due to
different issues, private energy companies, ESCos, municipalities, cooperatives, and other subjects
interested in developing RECs are nowadays experiencing difficulties in engaging end-users to take part
in RECs and make them actively participate in their activities. The present dissertation aims to define
which are the best practices, tools and strategies to be used by any REC developer to engage the end-
users to participate in RECs. This is done by first investigating the REC state of the art and their
characteristics, and then, reviewing the theory of project management and the existing practices of
stakeholder engagement; this information is then applied to the context of the development of RECs to
answer the research problem. The dissertation shows that end-users have a relevant impact on the
development of RECs and it provides the reader with a methodology organized into three phases (REC
end-users identification, REC end-users collection, and REC end-users involvement) made of tools,
best practices, and strategies, to be used by any REC developer to mitigate the impacts of REC end-
users and facilitate the process of development of the RECs.
Entitat col·laboradora
Instituto Superior Técnico Lisboa