Design of an integrated HAPS detection system


Tutor / Supervisor


Segura Azañón, Víctor

Document type

Bachelor thesis




Open AccessOpen Access


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


The development of new technologies in the field of telecommunications has a great impact on how we communicate with other people and even with some objects. The incorporation of 5G, IoT and 6G will require new means of transmission that could provide the world population with bandwidth internet with close to zero latency. One of these new means is HAPS, which would offer a solution when it comes to bringing the internet to remote areas and zones affected by conflicts or environmental disasters. HAPS could also serve as support in large cities in situations of network traffic peaks. Although such technology has great benefits for humanity, falling into the wrong hands could compromise the privacy of people, anywhere in the world. The study will mainly focus on applying a system that allows detecting HAPS that enter an airspace to check whether they have been authorized or not, but also it will deepen into the concept of HAPS and its possible use in the coming years, as well as making a comparison with other similar projects that would compete with HAPS

Entitat col·laboradora

Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu

Participating teacher
