Estudio de viabilidad y diseño de un hangar para mantenimiento de aeronaves en el aeropuerto de Reus
Tutor / Supervisor
García Álvarez, José Jesus
Document type
Bachelor thesis
Open Access
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
This document presents a project for the design of a hangar for aircraft maintenance at Reus Airport. Two main objectives are established: --On the one hand, define the feasibility of the proposal, taking into account a 25-year horizon in which a traffic forecast and a profitability analysis are developed. Finally, the proposal is complemented with the case study of the Ryanair hangar located at Sevilla Airport, which can facilitate decision-making in some further sections of the project. --On the other hand, obtain a structural design proposal that can really adapt to the airport environment, considering all possible factors for the calculus and needs of the infrastructure. To carry out the first point, a brief study of the current situation of the airport was executed. Later on, the airport's available growth capacity was analyzed and the expected annual operations and passenger flow were projected. In addition, in the economic analysis, following the forecasts analyzed above and after obtaining costs, revenues and profits, the aim is to delimit the profitability indicators (NPV, IRR and Payback) in order to be able to conclude the viability of the project. As for the structural design, a solution has been chosen using a metallic structure, porch type with trusses and sandwich panel enclosures. In addition, the foundations of the structure are calculated and a slab is proposed for the paving of the hangar. Prior to the design and calculation of the structure, the needs and design requirements of the hangar are introduced, analyzing factors such as the geotechnics of the terrain, the restrictions marked by aeronautical easements or the type of aircraft maintenance foreseen. Finally, different hangar facilities are designed to make the project more plausible and to limit the values of the final budget presented as much as possible. Finally, two documents associated with this report are presented, Document II. Annexes, in which the characteristics of each section are analyzed and described in greater detail, and Document III. Plans where the entire hangar design is graphically depicted.