Analysis of public funding calls on building refurbishing and renewables installation: Opportunities and barriers for vulnerable collectives


Tutor / Supervisor


Mata Ribes, Irene Ji

Document type

Bachelor thesis




Open AccessOpen Access


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


Every year, local, regional, national and European authorities offer public funding and calls to enhance the rehabilitation of buildings or the installation of renewable power sources in buildings, to improve their energy efficiency and reduce the overall CO2 emissions. This work is done in the framework of the H2020 EmpowerMed Project, which tackles to empower people affected by energy poverty, with special focus on women. Under this framework, and taking the base that access to energy is a human right, this study will analyze the different calls offered by public authorities promoting building energy efficiency improvements. Also, it will evaluate the barriers and opportunities that these vulnerable groups have to participate in, so they may have the chance to leave behind energy poverty. Moreover, a categorization and classification of the calls will be performed in order to best assess which are the best practices analyzing the economic, social and environmental impacts

Entitat col·laboradora

Associació Catalana d'Enginyeria sense Fronteres


1 Rambla de Catalunya, 126, 08008 Barcelona, Espanya
1 - Rambla de Catalunya, 126, 08008 Barcelona, Espanya

Participating teacher
