Flight planning and monitoring application for Drones for Desert Locust project.


Tutor / Supervisor

Tres Martínez, Sergi


Hinojosa Iranzo, Héctor

Document type

Master thesis




Open AccessOpen Access


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


This thesis arises from the need to update the currently used application to plan and monitor the flights carried out with drones in the Drones for Desert Locust project (dLocust) since the technology and style utilized are obsolete. The projects objective is to develop a mobile application using the most up-to-date technology possible to be used exclusively in this project, which is compatible with the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) operated, the Hemav Plane 2 (HP2). Drones for Desert Locust is a Hemav Foundation (HF) project. This private non-profit organization extends the companys activity within the social sphere, with the primary objective of demonstrating and promoting the commitment of UAS technology to human beings and society. The project objective is to design, develop and implement UAS and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to strengthen the current desert locust early warning system and preventive control strategy by focusing firstly on detecting risk areas and inspecting preswarm locust occurrences. React, React Native (RN), and Expo are leading technologies used during the applications development. React is a JavaScript (JS) library that creates declarative User Interfaces (UI) using a component-based concept. On the other hand, React Native is an opensource React-based JavaScript framework designed to build apps on multiple platforms like iOS, Android, and web applications, utilizing the same code base. At the same time, Expo is a platform that operates on top of React Native to facilitate development with this technology. Although the application cannot be tested with the HP2 in the desert in natural conditions, the results obtained with a realistic simulation avoiding the flight phase are enough to provide the applications functionality and validate it. Also, an Android Package (APK) has been built to execute the application in test mode without the simulation or drone to see how the app works.

Entitat col·laboradora

Hemav Foundation

Participating teacher
