Disseny d'un hangar de manteniment a l'Aeroport de Colònia
Tutor / Supervisor
Bernal Martínez, Víctor
Document type
Bachelor thesis
Open Access
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
This paper is based, from a general point of view, on a project for the construction of a large span hangar for United Parcel Service. The design and construction stages, the space and material requirements, and the challenges faced in carrying out this type of project are analysed. The work continues with a brief feasibility analysis of the project. This study provides an overview of the current situation at Cologne airport with traffic statistics for the last few years and how this traffic is likely to develop in the future. It also studies the company's traffic volume, as well as its evolution and incident data in order to economically justify the realisation of this project. With this data, a strategic profitability map and costs estimations are made in order to evaluate whether it is worthwhile to continue with third-party maintenance or, on the other hand, to invest in the construction of a hangar, i.e. a major capital investment. Several factors are then considered, such as the size of the hangar, the height of the structure, the space requirements for the aircraft, the type of construction material and safety requirements. The hangar structure will be made of structural steel, which is a strong and durable material. Prior to the design of the structure, a geotechnical study is carried out, along with a study of the different aeronautical easements that may affect the dimensions of the building, as well as a preliminary layout and a building use plan. It is also taken into account that the building will be located in another country with different construction regulations. In terms of structural design, a truss gantry frame typology is used to lighten the weight of the structure. An inverted T shaped aircraft entrance gantry is designed, with a vertically opening canvas door. On the other hand, the foundation of the structure is calculated using insulated shoes and bracing beams, in addition to the provision of a reinforced concrete paving slab for the interior platform of the hangar. In order to give the work a broader scope, a design of the main installations of the structure is made and a general budget for the project is drawn up. Finally, the plans of the structure are annexed together with the plans of the installations.
Entitat col·laboradora
United Parcel Service (Colònia)