Monitorización de desastres químicos basado en una plataforma dron
Tutor / Supervisor
Lopez Garcia, Pablo
Document type
Bachelor thesis
Restricted access - confidentiality agreement
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
This project aims to study the assembly, implementation and testing of a chemical disaster detection system developed through a drone platform. The circuit under study will be able to detect various gases classified as dangerous for the environment. The system will be controlled remotely by a drone, avoiding endangering the different professionals in charge of assessing the severity of the disaster. The project will consist of three main chapters or sections. The first chapter will explain and summarize previous studies conducted to design the system. The main parts of the circuit will be defined, also the operation of each one and the parameters to study when building the system. Furthermore, the gases detected by the system will be briefly mentioned. The second chapter will discuss the process conducted for the physical implementation of the system. On the one hand, key concepts related to the soldering of integrated circuits will be explained, from solder pastes to the parameters evaluated in each component in the circuit. On the other hand, the process followed to define a software solution for testing will be explained. Finally, the third chapter will explain the process conducted to evaluate the viability of the board. The test results will be presented, arguing their validity or, on the contrary, exposing the causes of their invalidity. This project will provide essential information to determine the feasibility of the designed system and possible changes that could be implemented to improve the system.