MOVERE: Aplicació per a l'autonomia i benestar de persones amb problemes de salut mental


Tutor / Supervisor

Oller Arcas, Toni


Gordun Salazar, Irene

Document type

Bachelor thesis




Open AccessOpen Access


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


The final degree project focuses on the MOVERE project. MOVERE inherits the foundations of T'activa, an initiative started in 2019, conceived to address loneliness and social isolation, especially among the elderly. MOVERE specifically focuses on individuals living with mental health disorders. This initiative is led by the Mental Illness Foundation of Catalonia and the C3-CST research group. The main objective of this project is to analyze the current workflow of the foundation and propose a digitization plan to improve its management. As a result, an application and web-based tool are developed to enhance the quality of life for people with mental illnesses, promoting their digitization and autonomy. The project goals include designing and developing a digitally conscious application, implementing a system of forms and notifications to measure well being, integrating social and therapeutic functionalities, and facilitating access to updated databases of community activities. Additionally, special care will be taken with data treatment. Therefore, all necessary documentation will be prepared to pass the UPC's ethics committee filter. The project methodology involves using Kanban for task management and weekly meetings to track progress, identify deviations, and adjust planning as necessary. Finally, the obtained results will be reviewed to assess the achievement of initial objectives, the performance of the application, and its usefulness. Therefore, this project could be summarized as the development of a mobile application to improve the quality of life for people with mental illnesses, promoting their digital autonomy and reducing unwanted feelings of loneliness. This work also includes an analysis of the technologies and techniques used, along with a study of the achieved objectives and results obtained.
Projecte MOVERE Fundació de Malalts Mentals de Catalunya

Entitat col·laboradora


Participating teacher

  • Oller Arcas, Toni
