Diseño y despliegue de una red FTTA 'Backhaul' 5G


Tutor / Supervisor


Vargas Gómez, Diego

Document type

Bachelor thesis




Restricted access - confidentiality agreementRestricted access - confidentiality agreement


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


Fiber optics are one of the most widely used data transmission technologies today, due to their high capacity, low latency and reliability. In this project, the design and deployment of a fiber optic network to the tower (Fiber To The Tower or as we will call from now on FTTT) is put into practice. The Backhaul 5G deployment that we will see later is located in the Anoia region and in the municipality of Cabrera de Mar, and is subsidized by Next Generation EU European funds. Its main objective is to accelerate the deployment of 5G technology in rural environments. To do this, we will connect several towers to an existing network using fiber optics, the most popular 5G backhaul technology today as it can transport large amounts of data at high speeds and is therefore the ideal technology to support the data traffic generated by 5G networks. These towers have to be connected to the existing network of Lyntia, a Spanish neutral telecommunications services company. We will see that the connection of the towers to the operator's network is more complex than it may seem at first glance. Therefore, it will not be enough to use Lyntia's existing infrastructure; it will be necessary to ask permission from other operators to be able to use sections of their infrastructure and at some points of the deployment we will have to resort to new construction.

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