Aplicació de les tècniques de ludificació i les tecnologies de realitat ampliada a la didàctica de la mecànica del vol


Tutor/a - Director/a

Bopp Ibar, Maria Jesús


Grau Boix, Eric

Tipo de documento

Trabajo final de grado




Acceso abiertoOpen Access


Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


This work falls within the research line on the applicability of gamification techniques and extended reality technologies in engineering education. Specifically, this work aims to design, develop and validate software that uses the mentioned techniques and technologies. This report includes the methodology followed, the results of the validation and the proposed model. The process begins with a review of the state of the art in didactics, gamification and extended reality technologies. These three disciplines share a practical framework that, by inducing motivation and a sense of progress in the student while reducing the cognitive requirements of a learning process, seeks to optimize learning in terms of comprehension and memorization. The software has been designed as reinforcement for the initial lessons of the subject flight mechanics, entitled: main reference systems of the aircraft. The activity is designed to be independent of external tutoring within the software and is placed as an exercise in understanding between the theoretical and practical parts of the concepts. The development has been mainly carried out using the Unity 3D engine, and with digital content creation tools such as GIMP, Tinkercad, Visual Studio and Xcode. The validation has had two approaches. On the one hand, the adaptation of the users to the mechanics of the software has been validated, and on the other, the achievement of the objective concepts. This project has carried out and validated three iterations of the design and development process. In each version, the applicability of some components of the mentioned techniques and technologies has been demonstrated, redesigns have been made according to the feedback from surveyed students, and guidelines for the new iterations have been proposed. In the end, it can be concluded that the activity provides evidence of the potential of these technologies to enhance the 3D visualization of theoretical concepts and procedural learning, although further development is still needed.

Entitat col·laboradora

Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics a l'Enginyeria

Profesorado participante
