Search tips:
- Words separated by spaces are searched independently in the search fields. If you enter 'numerical calculations', the search will find items that contain either 'numerical calculations', 'numerical' or 'calculations'.
- The search includes variations. If you enter 'calculate', the search will find items that contain variations such as 'calculus', 'calculation', etc.
- You can search for phrases rather than words by enclosing the words in quotation marks. Example: ""civil engineer training"".
- The search is not case sensitive and ignores accents.
Vallès School of Architecture

Vallès School of Architecture
Current degrees

Participating teacher
- Aguiló Aran, Claudi (119)
- Albareda Fernández, Elena (22)
- Aquilué Junyent, Inés (35)
- Arribas Sánchez, Cristina (9)
- Àvila Casademont, Genís (1)
- Benedito Ribelles, María (10)
- Beriain Sanzol, Luis (9)
- Boixader Ibáñez, Dionís (5)
- Bosch Folch, Guillem (1)
- Buil Castells, Pere (11)
- Calatayud Souweine, Daniel (24)
- Camallonga Rodríguez, Marc (12)
- Casas Portet, Anna (2)
- Claret, Coque (27)
- Corbat Diaz, Enrique (6)
- Costales Calvo, Ignacio (48)
- Crespo Cabillo, Isabel (22)
- Cuchí Burgos, Alberto (117)
- Cucurella Jorba, Maria de Montserrat (2)
- Curós i Vilà, Joan (78)
- Escolano Ferrer, Adrià (11)
- Fabré Nadal, Martina (17)
- Farré Moreto, Raimon (67)
- Fuertes Pérez, Pere (90)
- García-Escudero, Daniel (155)
- Garriga Bosch, Sergi (23)
- Gauthier Amigo, Alejandro (9)
- Gimferrer Vilaplana, Xavier (39)
- Giner Olcina, Josep (48)
- Godoy Muñoz, Alfonso de Jesús (1)
- Golda-Pongratz, Kathrin (4)
- González Bereziartua, Madalen (5)
- González Solanes, Manuel (17)
- Hernández Sabat, Bernat (9)
- Jaen González, Carlos (2)
- Jubert Rosich, Luís (24)
- Llop Torné, Carles Joan (164)
- López López, David (11)
- López Plazas, Fabian (29)
- Marcos Padrós, Carlos (23)
- Mària Serrano, Magdalena (42)
- Maristany Jackson, Lorena (55)
- Masip Bosch, Enric (19)
- Masseck, Torsten (3)
- Matilla Ayala, Javier (6)
- Muntané Raich, Oriol (8)
- Musquera Felip, Sílvia (16)
- Ortigosa Duarte, Nuria (15)
- Oyón Bañales, José Luis (21)
- Pagès Ramon, Anna (42)
- Parramón Elorza, Lluís (3)
- Payola Lahoz, Jordi (22)
- Pla Ferrer, Francesc (41)
- Prous Martín, Jaime (5)
- Ramis Frontera, Bartolomé (15)
- Recasens Ferrés, Jorge (4)
- Ricart Ulldemolins, Josep (72)
- Rivera Marinel·lo, Inés de (8)
- Rosselló i Nicolau, Maribel (77)
- Rull Bertran, Rosa Maria (28)
- Sabaté Giner, Maria Núria (21)
- Sala Giralt, Anna (16)
- Salvà Matas, Catalina (27)
- Salvadó Aragonès, Núria (28)
- Sánchez-Villanueva Beuter, Manuel (19)
- Sangenís García, Manuel (1)
- Santacana Juncosa, Amadeo (8)
- Sauquet Llonch, Roger Joan (168)
- Sogbe Mora, Erica Beatriz (13)
- Soriano Botella, Enrique (1)
- Soto Pi, Santiago (38)
- Sotoca García, Adolfo (37)
- Steegmann Mangrane, David (50)
- Tudó Galí, Roger (62)
- Vancells Guérin, Xavier (32)
- Vega Ainsa, Isabel (14)
- Zamora i Mestre, Joan-Lluís (102)
Teaching content
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Filter results
+ TypeInformació
Filter to limit your search to a particular content type from among those currently displayed.
The list shows content types sorted in descending order according to the number of documents.
Next to each content type you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that type.
Filter to limit your search to a particular content type from among those currently displayed.
The list shows content types sorted in descending order according to the number of documents.
Next to each content type you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that type.
+ DateInformació
Filter to limit your search to a particular content type from among those currently displayed.
The list shows content types sorted in descending order according to the number of documents.
Next to each content type you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that type.
Filter to limit your search to a particular content type from among those currently displayed.
The list shows content types sorted in descending order according to the number of documents.
Next to each content type you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that type.
Conditions for accessInformació
Filter to limit your search according to the conditions for accessing the contents.
It displays a list with the levels of access to the contents, sorted in descending order according to the number of contents.
Next to each condition for access you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that condition.
Filter to limit your search according to the conditions for accessing the contents.
It displays a list with the levels of access to the contents, sorted in descending order according to the number of contents.
Next to each condition for access you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that condition.
+ LanguagesInformació
Filter to limit your search according to content language.
It displays a list with the languages used to produce the contents, sorted in descending order according to the number of contents.
Next to each language you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that condition.
Filter to limit your search according to content language.
It displays a list with the languages used to produce the contents, sorted in descending order according to the number of contents.
Next to each language you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that condition.
+ Thematic areasInformació
Filter to limit your search according to the UPC’s areas of knowledge.
It displays a list with the areas of knowledge assigned to the contents, sorted in descending order according to the number of contents.
Next to each area you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that condition.
Filter to limit your search according to the UPC’s areas of knowledge.
It displays a list with the areas of knowledge assigned to the contents, sorted in descending order according to the number of contents.
Next to each area you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that condition.
+ Goals for sustainable developmentInformació
Filter to limit your search according to Goals for Sustainable Development.
The list shows the goals related to produce the contents, sorted in descending order according to the number of contents.
Next to each goal you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that condition.
Filter to limit your search according to Goals for Sustainable Development.
The list shows the goals related to produce the contents, sorted in descending order according to the number of contents.
Next to each goal you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that condition.
Academic framework
+ TeacherInformació
Filter to limit your search according to the teaching staff who have participated in producing one or more of the contents currently displayed.
It displays a list of the teaching staff who have participated most in producing the contents currently displayed.
Next to each professor’s name you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter. In some cases, you will also see an icon that you can click on to bring up the professor’s page in the Aprèn system.
Filter to limit your search according to the teaching staff who have participated in producing one or more of the contents currently displayed.
It displays a list of the teaching staff who have participated most in producing the contents currently displayed.
Next to each professor’s name you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter. In some cases, you will also see an icon that you can click on to bring up the professor’s page in the Aprèn system.
+ SchoolInformació
Filter to limit your search according to schools related to one or more of the contents currently displayed.
It displays a list of the schools related to the greatest number of the contents currently displayed.
Next to the name of each school you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that school. In some cases, you will also see an icon that you can click on to bring up the school’s page in the Aprèn system.
Filter to limit your search according to schools related to one or more of the contents currently displayed.
It displays a list of the schools related to the greatest number of the contents currently displayed.
Next to the name of each school you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that school. In some cases, you will also see an icon that you can click on to bring up the school’s page in the Aprèn system.
+ DepartmentInformació
Filter to limit your search according to departments related to one or more of the contents currently displayed.
Next to the name of each department you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that department. In some cases, you will also see an icon that you can click on to bring up the department’s page in the Aprèn system.
Filter to limit your search according to departments related to one or more of the contents currently displayed.
Next to the name of each department you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that department. In some cases, you will also see an icon that you can click on to bring up the department’s page in the Aprèn system.
Filter to limit your search according to campuses related to one or more of the contents currently displayed.
Next to the name of each campus you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that campus. In some cases, you will also see an icon that you can click on to bring up the campus’s page in the Aprèn system.
Filter to limit your search according to campuses related to one or more of the contents currently displayed.
Next to the name of each campus you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that campus. In some cases, you will also see an icon that you can click on to bring up the campus’s page in the Aprèn system.
+ CourseInformació
Filter to limit your search according to subjects related to one or more of the contents currently displayed.
Next to the name of each subject you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that subject. In some cases, you will also see an icon that you can click on to bring up the subject’s page in the Aprèn system.
Filter to limit your search according to subjects related to one or more of the contents currently displayed.
Next to the name of each subject you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that subject. In some cases, you will also see an icon that you can click on to bring up the subject’s page in the Aprèn system.
+ DegreeInformació
Filter to limit your search according to current degrees related to one or more of the contents currently displayed.
Next to the name of each degree you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that degree. In some cases, you will also see an icon that you can click on to bring up the degree’s page in the Aprèn system.
Filter to limit your search according to current degrees related to one or more of the contents currently displayed.
Next to the name of each degree you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that degree. In some cases, you will also see an icon that you can click on to bring up the degree’s page in the Aprèn system.
+ Former degreeInformació
Filter to limit your search according to former degrees related to one or more of the contents currently displayed.
Next to the name of each former degree you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that degree. In some cases, you will also see an icon that you can click on to bring up the former degree’s page in the Aprèn system.
Filter to limit your search according to former degrees related to one or more of the contents currently displayed.
Next to the name of each former degree you will see the number of contents that will be displayed if you apply the filter for that degree. In some cases, you will also see an icon that you can click on to bring up the former degree’s page in the Aprèn system.